The Bratislava Boys’ Choir Presents 38th Concert Season

Bratislava - A new concert season of the Bratislava Boys Choir includes special collaborations, international tours and educational activities.

“The Bratislava Boys‘ Choir has prepared an exceptionally rich and engaging season for its fans. We are looking forward to be seen in the most prestigious venues in Slovakia alongside renowned artists,” says Magdaléna Rovňáková, the school principal and choir director.

With Edita Gruberova

In the fall, the choir performs at a gala to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Petržalka joining Czechoslovakia. Shortly after it is scheduled to perform at the consecration of the new church in Velké Orvište. Also in September, the ensemble presents a performance for the Slovak Myeloma Society at the Church of Saint Clares in Bratislava.

In October of the choir undertakes a representative exchange concert tour to Mulhouse, France and Stuttgart, Germany. The hosts are Choeur de Garçons de Mulhouse and Stuttgarter Hymnus-Chorknaben. In November the ensemble sings in its educational project, The Story of Music. This educational concert for children is broadcast live by RTVS, the national television and radio network. Guests include Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Roma folk ensemble Romano Jilo, the pianist Maroš Klátik and the concert’s conductor and host is the choir director of the Bratislava Boys’ Choir, Gabriel Rovňák Jr.

The Christmas season will be full of wonderful opportunities. The ensemble will be presented in a new project; St. Nicholas concerts in the Slovak National Theater Opera. Around this time the choir traditionally collaborates with the Slovak National Theater Ballet in presenting P.I. Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker. The Bratislava Boys’ Choir will this year also present a Christmas concert in Bratislava with the boys performing alongside Adriana Kučerová, Monika Fabianová, Pavol Bršlík, Pavol Remenár and the exceptionally talented young violinist Teo Gertler. They will be accompanied by Slovak National Theater Opera Orchestra under the baton of Peter Valentovič.

Season highlights include Christmas concerts with the Slovak Philharmonic where the ensemble is presented with soloists Veronika Mihálková and Roman Janál. “We are deeply honored by collaboration with our flagship institutions and we are pleased the Christmas concert with the Slovak Philharmonic is going to be presented three times, following wide demand from the public. We are glad to undertake a new project of the St. Nicholas concerts with staged Christmas track. The cherry on top is the Christmas in Bratislava Concert which is to be carried live on national television, so everyone can watch,” says Gabriel Rovňák Jr., the choir director of the Bratislava Boys’ Choir.

In March the ensemble will present a premiere of its new educational concert The Story of Music 5 - A World in Color, presented within the concert cycle of the State Chamber Orchestra Žilina. Spring will be topped with a concert tour to the United States. The boys will perform in cities including Washington, D.C. and New York. To close the season the boys will return to performances in Slovakia; in Prievidza and in Kláštor pod Znievom. At the Pro musica nostra festival the ensemble will be presented in Rajec and Příbor. A performance cycle - Bratislava Boys’ Choir For Slovakia Towns - will see the boys in a number of other cities and towns. Across the season the ensemble collaborates with the Slovak National Theater Opera and performs children’s parts in The Magic Flute, Tosca, Carmen, Turandot, and Triptych.

The ensemble is led by Mgr. art. Magdaléna Rovňáková, ArtD. and MgA. Gabriel Rovňák Jr., Ph.D.. The accompanist and pianist is Mgr. Dana Hajóssy and Bc. Martin Hríň. Artistic team includes voice coaches Monika Maglayová and Lýdia Drahošová.

The ensemble would like to thank its partners for support in its activities: Fund for the Support of the Arts, UPC BROADBAND SLOVAKIA, Bratislava Self-Governing Region, VÚB Foundation, Poštová Banka Foundation, Tatra Banka Foundation, Radio and Television Slovakia, The Capital City of Slovakia – Bratislava, City Borough Petržalka and Ružinov, Eurovea, Polygraphy Center, buckle up, SOZA, Vladimír Škuta Photography, Private Arts School Lavuta. The choir is also supported by media partners, Music Life and Opera Slovakia.

The Bratislava Boys’ Choir Presents 38th Concert Season The Bratislava Boys’ Choir Presents 38th Concert Season

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